

Goal #1: Foster an active paddling community in the Applegate Valley.

Objective 1.1: Organize kayaking, canoeing, rafting, and stand-up paddle-boarding outings for APC members. The schedule will also include quarterly board meetings, training for club members and the community, and social events, like picnics and river clean-ups. 

Objective 1.2: Build and maintain a website to encourage collaboration and resource sharing through trip reports, maps with identified river access points, and safety information like hazards and appropriate water levels.

Objective 1.3: Collaborate with counties, public agencies, and private landholders to identify additional river access points and explore land donations or easements to increase paddling access to the Applegate River. 


Goal #2: Promote water safety and education.

Objective 2.1: Host community outreach events and encourage new users to learn about and participate in various paddle sports. 

Objective 2.2: Continue to build life jacket stations at river access points and maintain them with quality personal floatation devices.

Objective 2.3: Map river access sites along the Applegate River, including hazards and rapids, and provide this information to the paddling community through the APC website.


Goal #3: Enhance paddling areas in the Applegate Valley through stewardship efforts.

Objective 3.1: Organize community clean-up events at swimming holes and access points along the Applegate River and its tributaries.

Objective 3.2: Monitor water quality at river access points and share information with organizations like the Applegate Watershed Council, Rogue River Keeper, and Adventure Scientists.